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  • 工厂及仓库地面沉降指南

  • 岩土资产管理手册

    Geobear 解决方案可以防止结构性沉降不需要移除树木的情况下修复沉降问题。
  • 低碳树木沉降解决方案

    Geobear 解决方案可以防止结构性沉降不需要移除树木的情况下修复沉降问题。
  • Life extension of concrete roads using geopolymer resin injection treatment

    This report is concerned with the eastbound section of the carriageway on the M54. An investigation reported that the unreinforced concrete slabs in lane 1 had undergone settlement and an average uplift of 10mm was required to bring the traffic running surface back to level with adjacent slabs. Geobear’s geopolymer re...
  • The use of expansive geopolymers to mitigate floor slab settlement

    This paper provides an overview about geopolymers as a sustainable engineering material that can provide cost-effective solutions to lift and stabilise heavily loaded slabssuffering from excessive settlement. Within the paper, a detailed case study for a commercial warehouse with a failing concrete slab was examined to...
  • The use of expansive geopolymer injections to stabilise railway formation

    The aim of this paper is to better inform the railway industry about the benefits and applications of geopolymer injections technology to treat formation problems. The paper will also explore a case study from an existing UK site where geopolymer injections have been used successfully on the railways.

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